My paper is about cleaning, right. Ergo, first I must clean (and think about my project as I clean.) De-cluttering is a major step in cleaning. Sort and file those papers!
Plus cooking for the Thanksgiving meal that was yesterday. Trying to get some things done ahead of time. Look what I found as I was sorting! A recipe for Lemon Butter Mousse...sounds great. It will save my baking a pie and be a light and delicious conclusion to the traditional meal.
Halfway into making the mousse, I realized that it involved about four different bowls, whipping heavy cream, whipping egg whites, softening gelatin, squeezing fresh lemons, zesting said lemons (though that was easy, now that I have a posh zester/grater like Alkelda and Bede's). And, I discovered last evening, the mousse is by no means light!
I did not roast the traditional turkey but rather two free-range fresh roasting chickens. And peeling, by hand, the cloves of 5 heads of garlic to make the 40 clove roasting chicken from the Gourmet Cookbook. (We have a whole chicken left, but the clean-up from the one we ate was simple. Bones and grease and scraps were all bundled together. Issa took it all home for her personal coyote .)
Ricardo wondered if all the work was worth it? In one way the evening was a disappointment. Ricardo was tired and Terry's boys were wild and running through the house. They needed to go home. So it was not one of those evening where we just sat around the fire and talked. But I was glad to give the children a place to go for Thanksgiving, and Issa too, though she probably would have been just as happy to stay home because of the snow starting to fall. She is a California girl, after all, and I think most of her round-the-world travels took place in tropical climes.
Maybe today I can start on this project, but of course I will not be able to do my interviews until my little tape recorder arrives -I hope that will work better than taking notes. So far I have not taken notes at all. Sigh.