Saturday, December 03, 2005

Aha. Two postings in one day. I have decided currently to go for quantity, not quality. Mozart is blaring in the background as my house-mate tries to recreate the score of the 2005 movie version of Pride & Prejudice,which stubbornly refuses to reveal the originals of the soaring music in the background. Ahhh. I love each and every Mr. Darcy. Am I so fickle - or am I so very, very loyal?

OK. So now I need a link in this posting to make it worth your while, dear accidental reader. Today at work I was busy (totally busy work, believe me) translating the computer-use policy into German. Aaaaargh. Finally I was introduced to a short-cut. You still need a decent conversance with the language into which you are translating. But this is a nifty aid, believe me. The trick is to write the English into straight-forward, non-slangish language before pressing the button to translate.

The Mozart swells in the background as I reveal this wonderfully powerful tool to you, gentle reader.

Voila! Mozart sublime.

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

I found this website for your housemate. Perhaps it will help.