Monday, January 19, 2009


Today I have an extra day to which I had intended to dedicate to writing on my project. I spent the morning cleaning! It didn't feel right to write about cleaning when there was an area begging to be dusted.

I took all the books and extra stuff off of the bookcase next to my bed. Every home gets dusty, though it seems that in New Mexico we get dust in excess. I do actually dust the bookcase fairly regularly, but I don't take everything off and get into the cracks behind. Whew! The reward was two-fold (at least.) Not only does the bookcase look and feel better (I can't take a good picture of it because my little camera's lens is all scratched up), but I found books that I didn't remember were there.

I have been crying easily in the last couple of days (that is, more readily than usual.) Almost anything can set it off - Obama's train trip to DC, finding a book of dreams and reading in it, the deaths of the children in Gaza - that sort of thing.

I re-found an important book for my project The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World by Rudolf Steiner. In it there is an emphasis on the responsibility for cultivating feelings of devotion, serenity, cheerfulness, and inner contentment. It is thereby we release elementals from their enchantment in lower realms and enable them to return to higher worlds.

When I consider my occasional weeping alongside these observations, I still feel OK. It seems to me that my tears are arising from tenderness rather than sullen discontent.

Speaking of tears. I found a quotation that I had written down from Confessions of a Pagan Nun which delighted me today (during the dusting).

I could put [my tears] in copper cups, but they are like the waters of the sea, vast and deep, but unable to quench any thirst. One can only drown in such waters or take from them fish to eat. The fish in my tears are so small that only a fairy could make a meal of them. p.35

1 comment:

Saints and Spinners said...

Maybe we both need air filters! And cloth hankies. I can't find the cloth hankies I stored away for Lucia, and I was pretty sure I'd put them in her clothes drawers.