Saturday, August 08, 2009


Today is the 6th anniversary of Bartzy's crossing the threshold. What an incredible blessing he has been to me, to his family, and to many others. It is difficult to write very much.

Bartholomew's birthday, May 11, often falls on Mother's Day or occasionally Whitsuntide. Last year on his birthday, which was Pentecost, I found a small plant at Plants of the Southwest. It was called the Holy Ghost plant! How could I resist?

The plant is biennial. I wondered what it would look like. I planted three in slightly different locations, since I did not know where they might take hold. This year one plant bloomed and then turned brown. The other two, planted on either side of the statue of Mary, are blooming with lovely rosy pink trumpets all up and down the stalk. It is beautiful. I only hope it will reseed itself, because there were no more little plants this past year at the nursery.

Well, I might not be able to write about Bart, but at least I wrote two letters this morning to people who have recently lost someone they loved. I wrote another one several days ago. I think Bart helps me try to follow through on my intentions.

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